Business Continuity Plan

Salute's Business Continuity Plan (BCP) outlines our primary objective to continue providing services to our customers, protect the health and safety of our employees, and fulfill our legal and regulatory obligations.



Email Address

Phone Number

Public Emergency

(855) 772-5883


(855) 772-5883

Firm Policy

Salute BCP’s primary objectives are to continue providing services to our customers, protect the health and safety of our employees, and fulfill our legal and regulatory obligations. In the event that we determine we are unable to continue our business we will assure customers prompt access to their funds and securities.

Significant Business Disruptions (SBDs)

An SBD may affect only our firm (e.g., a fire in our office building or cyber event) or may be widespread affecting several firms or the operation of the securities markets (e.g., a terrorist attack, a natural disaster or a pandemic). Our response will vary depending on the severity of the SBD, which may include greater reliance on other organizations and systems, especially on the capabilities of our clearing firm.

Plan Approval and Annual Reviews

Matthew Dykes, a member of senior management, is responsible for approving the plan and for conducting the required annual review.

Plan Location and Access

Our firm will maintain copies of its BCP, any modifications that have been made to the BCP and the annual reviews for inspection, and the BCP will be made available promptly upon request. The BCP is also available to all employees. 

Business Description

Salute is a technology company that provides cloud-based Software as a Service. Our Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) Software provides safety leaders a flexible platform for tracking, managing, and communicating key environmental health and safety data.

Our legal name is Fitzroy Salute, LLC, with a primary address at 530 7th Ave, M1, New York, NY 10018. The company can be contacted via email ( or phone (855-772-5883) or the web (

Office Locations

List the locations of all of your offices, registered and unregistered, and state which mission critical systems, as defined below, take place at each location.

New York Office

Our New York Office is located at 530 7th Ave, M1, New York, NY 10018. Its main phone number is 855-772-5883 and the office manager or other point of contact is Matthew Dykes,, 201-887-2978. Our employees rely on public transportation to travel to the office. We engage in Customer Support, Product Development, and Sales at this location.  In the event that New York Office is inaccessible or staff is working remotely due to an SBD, all staff is able to work remotely.

Alternate Physical Location(s) of Employees

All staff is able to function remotely in the event of an SBD. Staff may temporarily work from a remote location (e.g., staff may work from home because of health and safety reasons during a pandemic). In this event, we will maintain a list of employee working locations and contact information.

The risk of cybersecurity events may be increased due to use of remote offices or telework arrangements. We will remain vigilant in our surveillance against cyber threats and take steps to reduce the risk of cyber events. These steps may include: (1) ensuring that virtual private networks (VPN) and other remote access systems are properly patched with available security updates; (2) checking that system entitlements are current; (3) employing the use of multi-factor authentication for associated persons who access systems remotely; and (4) reminding associated persons of cyber risks through education and other exercises that promote heightened vigilance.

Mission Critical Systems

Salute’s “mission critical systems” are those that ensure prompt and accurate processing of securities transactions, including order taking, entry, execution, comparison, allocation, clearance and settlement of securities transactions, the maintenance of customer accounts, access to customer accounts and the delivery of funds and securities. More specifically, these systems include:





Cloud As a Service


Cloud Hosting


Cloud Hosting


Email, Communication


Client Communications


Analytics and reporting tool

Our firm establishes and maintains our business relationships with our customers and performs the mission critical functions.

Recovery-time objectives provide concrete goals to plan for and test against. They are not, however, hard and fast deadlines that must be met in every emergency situation, and various external factors surrounding a disruption, such as time of day, scope of disruption and status of critical infrastructure—particularly telecommunications—can affect actual recovery times. Recovery refers to the restoration of clearing and settlement activities after a wide-scale disruption; resumption refers to the capacity to accept and process new transactions and payments after a wide-scale disruption. Salute has the following SBD recovery time and resumption objectives: recovery time period of within 24 hours; and resumption time of within the same business day.

Disclosure of Business Continuity Plan to Customers

Salute makes our BCP available to Customers through our Support@Salute portal. 

Updates and Annual Review

Salute will update this plan whenever we have a material change to our operations, structure, business or location. In addition, our firm will review this BCP annually, to determine whether any modification are necessary due to changes in our operations, structure, business or location.