Salute v1.45.0

Released on Mar 3, 2021 @5:00am ET

  • Request/Report

    • On CP Requests, moved Cancel Request button to the header 

    • CP tile under Request/Report updated from Report Incident to Report Event with updates to subtexts with definition of function

    • Event Type added to CP Event Report Form (formerly Report Incident, see above bullet)

    • Fixed incident location population from CP Event Report report to SP

  • Incidents

    • New Assign section added at end of Incident form with Responsible Person field (changed from EHS Responsible Person previously at top of form)

    • Send Email checkbox replaces Create Task for simplification (default is Yes for new objects and No for existing objects) 

    • Save as Draft renamed to Save

    • Internal Information section updated to include additional fields/dropdowns: 

      • Impact Type, Length of Impact, Risk Rating, Cost Implication, Report to Regulatory Agency

    • Tool Tips fixed

    • Time is no longer a required field 

  • Accidents

    • Created By field added to Accident Report form

    • Users can now generate OSHA forms for Accidents

    • Time is no longer a required field

    • Changed EHS Investigator to Lead Investigator and moved to Assign field toward end of form (similar change to Incidents) 

    • Send Email checkbox added instead of Create Task to simplify (default is Yes for new objects and No for existing objects) 

    • Save as Draft renamed to Save

    • Field name changes: 

      • Field titled Unsafe Personal Factors updated to Personal Factors (removed Unsafe)

      • Supervisor field renamed Accident Owner to be standard with Incident Owner 

      • Party Involved field renamed to Person Involved

      • PI/Director field renamed to Director/Leader for more flexibility

      • Investigation field renamed to just Summary as it is redundant with the Section Name

      • Recommendations renamed to Corrective Actions

  • Waste Management

    • Improved Waste Management Reports

  • PFEs

    • Updated Salute generated PFE Monthly Inspection Report to sync updated fields on form

  • Safe Work Authorizations 

    • Additional improvements to Safe Work Authorization form

  • Equipment

    • Chemical Hoods form is now a single page form (replacing multi-tab) 

  • Fire Drills

    • Updated Fire Drills icon on CP

    • Number of attendees added to Fire Drill Location 

  • Locations

    • Floors and Spaces under the Campuses edit page are now clickable