To be Released on August 11, 2021, between 2AM-4AM EST
Ability to select Campus as an object of the Assessments
Renamed “EHS Inspector” field to “Inspector”
Creation of a User Group for all clients that will include all People from an organization in the event that an Assessment needs to be made available to ALL Community Users; new users added to the People file will be added to the group automatically
Employee Rosters
Employees were unable to view themselves on a Roster if they were a delegate for the Roster Owner; enabled for the employee to be able to view themselves if a delegate
Bug fix for switching between Employee Rosters on Safari
Bug fix to allow Reopening of Findings where date validation was not allowing for Reopening
Waste Requests
Update to cancellation notification emails (to send to the general email listed in Admin module)
Added Links (+ Add Link) functionality under Attachments for the following modules: Findings, Violations, Fire Drills, Floor, Space, Training Record, Radiation Safety Licenses, Radiation Safety RadMat Purchases