To be Released on September 8, 2021, between 1:00AM-3:00AM EST
Field name changes:
“Follow-Up Required” updated to “Corrective Action Required”
“Corrective Actions Completed” section header updated to “Corrective Action”
Moved “Corrective Action Required” (former “Follow-Up Required”) selector to “Corrective Action” section (former “Corrective Actions Completed” section)
Removed “Confirmation of” for both options of “Corrective Action Required” (former “Follow-Up Required”) selector
Chemical Safety
Bug fix related to changing Building outside of the previous Building’s Campus in Chemical Inventories
Custom banners (for instructions and other miscellaneous information or text) added to the top of each Report/Request form on the Community Portal that can be managed from the Administration module in the General Information section
Bug fix related to the Floor Selector not retaining selected option and not auto populating Building in Requests
Added record counter to Salute Portal homepage to indicate # of unassigned Requests
Time Zones
Ability to select a time zone within Incidents, Accidents, and Event Reports that will be retained regardless of browser time zone (User’s time zone will be auto-populated upon creation, but will be able to changed as needed if users and/or reporters are across multiple time zones)
Fire Drills
Added ability to choose whether or not to include N/A responses in drill score calculations
When creating an Assessment from an Incident, Responsible Person now auto populates from the Incident
Client-specific selector list updates