To be Released on October 6, 2021, between 2:00AM-4:00AM EST
Safe Work Authorizations
Addition of a Disapproved and Invalid status
Ability to have a “default” measure applied to submitted SWA requests; Includes Measure Type Title and Comments pre-population, as well as autofilling Responsible Person and Dates and Times from the overall SWA
Measures only appear on Community Portal for the Requester after the SWA is Approved
Bug Fix for SWA PDF Report generation
Notification Emails
Addition of Day After Overdue Email Notification in Assessment Queues
Addition of Email Notifications for upcoming Permit Expirations
Will send to listed Responsible Person (if populated) 90 days, 30 days, then the usual 14, 7, day of, and then the overdue as long as the Expiration Date is populated
Addition of Email Notifications for upcoming Training Expirations
Will send to the Person with an upcoming Training Expiration 90 days, 30 days, then the usual 14, 7, day of, and then the overdue
Only sends for Training Records manually created in Salute, NOT if there is an integration with an LMS
Addition of Email Notification for Fire Drill Conductor upon being Assigned to a Drill
Update of Fire Drill Conductor and Monitor Email Notifications to include Fire Drill Label for more context when receiving the notification
For Labels, an Admin User can now manage which Labels are displayed to the Community Portal
Client specific requests
Added Audit Log for Permits
Added logic to prevent addition of a negative container amounts
Bug fix for Object Type display in Findings (previous mismatch with chosen object)
Clarified date validation messaging on Community Portal (reworded error message)
When viewing an Event Report on the CP that has not yet had someone Assigned to it from the Salute Portal end, the “Assigned Person” field now reads “To be Assigned” instead of “N/A”