To be released on April 6, 2022, between 2:00AM-4:00AM EST
Biological Safety Cabinet, Chemical Hood, and EHS Monitor Equipment Types have been standardized and merged into General Equipment (this does NOT include PFEs):
Standard fields = Overview, Location, Responsible People, Attachments, Compliance Timeline sections
Addition of Equipment Type Specific fields = [Equipment Type] Details section
Ability to add and manage custom fields by Equipment Type
Salute Administrator has ability to manage custom fields in Administration module for any of new and existing Equipment with Equipment Type-specific detail fields
Equipment Type specific fields can be edited after the fact; note, custom dropdown options removed will remove those selections from any active records
Equipment Type specific fields will NOT be able to be removed if records actively use this field
Migration of current Assessment Queue data to align with new Equipment data structure (i.e., migration of Chemical Hood, Biological Safety Cabinet, and EHS Monitor specific queries to query by these Equipment Types in the General Equipment module)
Update to QR Code path to direct to the updated URL within General Equipment for merged Equipment Types (Chemical Hoods, Biological Safety Cabinets, and EHS Monitors)
Updates to General Equipment landing page to optimize filter/sort ability
When filtering by a single Equipment Type on the General Equipment Landing Page, a User can Filter/Manage Columns INCLUDING the specific Equipment Type Detail questions
When filtering by all Equipment Types on the General Equipment Landing Page, a User can only Filter/Management Columns for the STANDARD equipment fields
Addition of External Inspection Frequency (Days) for a Salute Administrator to manage within the Administration module for each Equipment Type
Updates to Equipment Object selectors platform-wide (i.e., Assessments, Findings, External Inspections, External Findings, Violations)
Addition of an Audit Log to the General Equipment module
Chemical Inventory
Bug fix for delegates to have full access to Chemical Inventory on Community Portal
Ability to View and Edit Chemical Inventories for the Owners they are delegates for